Online course

​​​​Master your dental health

Tændernes position spejler din personlighed. Vil du lære dig selv at kende, ud fra tændernes position?

Tænder, der har sygdom eller har haft, fortæller en historie. Ved at dykke ned i dette univers, får du en indsigt i, hvilke steder i dit liv, du med fordel kan lave forandringer.

In this online course in 12 modules I will teach you:

  • basic knowledge about teeth
  • knowledge about every single tooth
  • how the position af the teeth mirrors your personality
  • what your bite tells about you
  • emotions behind the diseases
  • how to know if teeth are healthy or not
  • what to do if your teeth are not healthy

My aim is to make you independant of the dentist and to improve your life quality through understanding the ‘secret language of teeth’.

All the modules are recorded and you can watch them ‘forever’.

I have made this course really cheap because I want to give everybody a chance to attend.